Well, while you are here, you can check out some photos. It's been a while.
Work was good today, we got 25 posted, I did... Well, I did a lot of them.
I posted some lots of
Jewelry, those sell really well. Easy to list, easy to ship, and they sell between $20 and $60. The perfect auction. I just go out to the cage, grab the bags, weigh them, phograph them, change the picture on the auction template, submit it, label it and stick it on the windowsill to wait for auction end. zip, zip, zip. NEXT!
I like posting clothes, too. I get to play dress up with the manikins. I love manikins. I can't remember if I wrote about the hand I found in the trash but if I did, just skim over this part. Or read it anyway, I'll probably tell it different.
I walked out of work, on my way home, when I see in the trash can there was a plastic arm! At first I thought it was a sex toy, I really see an alarming amount of sex toys lying in the streets.
But this was not a sex toy! This one was an arm. A PLASTIC ARM. The kind they use to model watches and bracelets, and even rings, I suppose. I grabbed it out of the filth and squealed with glee! Literally. People were staring at me.
"A ARM! Look at that! Now who would throw away a perfectly good arm! This is too good to pass up!"
I waved the arm at the crowd and ran back into work. I ran into the room with my arm and waved it at John. "Look John, an ARM! I found a frikken ARM in the trash."
Now you have to remember that, thats what we do all day, dig through trash and find treasure. John hears me yell, "HEY, LOOKA THIS THING!" a lot. He was not too impressed. We often pretend, when one of us finds something good that the other one pretends it's worthless, and then when the finder puts it down the pretender swoops on it. hehe. It's fun. We bicker a lot but it's good humored and fun. We laugh an awful lot, too. We can both take an insult pretty well and toss them back and forth across the room. Not as much when Bos is in the room. We tame it down a bit when she's there. She still looks at us funny. We are both a little, shall we say goofy, and she has a great sense of humor, but is less goofy, so she doesn't really understand us.
It's really a great atmosphere to work in. We really are a team, the four of us.
Now that we have the auction templates, it's a ho-ho-ho-whole lot faster to post an auction. Once we get our laptops, we will be able to do reasearch on the production floor and that will speed up the process, and keep us from having to lug the treasures back to the room to reasearch, then if it turns out to be not worthy, we lug it back to the floor. That is a lot of lugging and the room gets full and hard to work on pretty fast.
It's a really interesting place to work in. There is stuff every where. Just random stuff that we bring back to reasearch or just to play with for a while.
There are dolls and toys and shoes and clothes and dishes and purses and books, and jewelry and clocks and oh, jeez, just all kinds of stuff. Any where you look there is something cool to look at and the rotation is great. Keep stuff around for a week, then if it sells, ship it out and if it doesn't, send it back.
I wish I could spend a day on the production floor sorting wares. I would just have a tote next to me and keep filling it up with goodies. The production area is a huge warehouse and it's divided into loose sections, clothes, furniture, the balers, wares, electical, and shoes. All the processed and priced merchandise sit by the giant door to the loading dock and the trucks take them to the 19 individual stores.
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It's huge and I love to be out there, people are moving fast and pushing large, heavy racks and carts and forklifts are zooming around. There is stuff every where and the loading dock doors are open so it's hot in the summer and chilly in the winter.
Many of the people who work there are just there as clients and the faces change often. I spend some time every day walking around on the floor shopping for my store and talking to people. Everyone is very interested in what we do in the mysterious online store and ask us all kinds of questions. They also see us coming and run up to us with stuff they think might be valuable.
We educate the sorters and pricers to the different items we are looking for and they ask us how much the things they found sell for. There is a bulletin board in the hallway where everyone lines up for the timeclock. On this bulletin board we post color copies of eight different auctions a week so they can see how much stuff sells for and the board is very popular. They can see items that they found and brag about it. It's very popular, the board.
I'm still coughing and my chest hurts, but I don't feel as sickly as I did last night.
Oh, I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time last night. Yeah, that was a fun movie. I only cried twice. There were some very graphic scenes of drug use that bothered me just a little. The dialog was funny and the cinematograpy was clever in spots. Lots of blood and guts and I always like that. The part where Chris Walken tells the story of the watch had me rolling on the floor. Oh, and a younger Bruce Willis naked in the shower? I've never really liked any of his movies, but he was really good in the role.
I can't believe I'm writing about Mr Willis. I guess I just like bald guys. Even better if they have glasses.
I'm just rambling now, it must be time to post this. South Park is on.
Egg wanted to go out and shoot pool but I declined because my bed is just too warm to get out of it and go to a crowded bar on a Friday night.