
The Trouble With You Is You're Right

August 30, 2006

I make more money now than I did this time last year. I make almost twice as much as I did the year before that.
I talked to a friend of mine the other day and he says he still makes $10 an hour. I was thinking "damn. I can remember living on that and supporting someone else, too".
Then I remembered that he has a trust fund and just got back from gallivanting across Europe and didn't feel as bad for him.
As you may well know, making more money incites spending more money.
I'm not supporting anyone now and my rent is still low. I still spend about the same amount of money on food and cigs and booze.
Suddenly, I noticed a large build up of numbers in my bank account. I thought to me, "what do you want? What would you spend all this money on, girl?"
I answered "purses”.
I went along with that for a minute or two, but now I pretty much have all the purses I want.
I am considering offing a few in lots on eeeBBBaaayyy to offset the teeny little fortune I spent.
See, I bought a bunch of them (purses) in lots. In order to get the styles I really wanted cheap I had to concede to taking the crappy ones I did not want. As you can imagine, I have quite a collection of beautiful, discontinued, rare, Vera Bradley bags. Many of which I do not want.

Ok. Pants. Tops.

My punk rock regalia were not going over well with the upper ups at my job. I started wearing real clothes that made me feel like a tool instead of clothes that made me feel comfortable and like me. Well, to work anyway.


I hadn't worn them for a few years. I had maybe two pair. You know, like for wearing with skirts and such.

I had recently found a pair of low-rise, boy cut type things and I was pretty impressed with the fit and comfort.
Since I love buying things online, I googled around a little and found a sale at Victoria's Secret for the same style, on sale, in my size.
I bought five pair.
I waited anxiously for the package and when it arrived, I was thrilled!
Beautiful, well made panties with my name on each individually wrapped package!
Oh, the colors! Oh, the stretchy cotton! The knowing I was wearing VS from now on!
I kept buying them. Last time I counted I had 15 pair. That was just the ones I counted after doing a load of wash one day. I had more at home and I have bought more since. I don't really know how many I have now.
I'm just going to say "enough".

Most of you are aware of the search for the perfect bra that I have been on. I haven't written about it here much after the original trilogy (or maybe fourogy), but the search has gone on.
I lusted over the VS Body By Victoria full-coverage racer-back.
One day I was on the eebbb, just poking around, you know, and found three. My size. Buy it now price, $14.99.
One blue one black one buff.
I snapped em up.

I still have not received them. Before Friday would be nice, but after Monday is fine too. How is that for flexible?

Pants. I bought one pair of work pants and one pair of play pants.
The work pants work just fine, thank you. The play pants were about a mile and a half too long in the leg.
I just took them to the tailor's today to be altered.
Capri, or cropped, whatever you want to call it, they needed to be hemmed from 33" inseam to a 22" inseam, because if you know me, you know I hate wearing long pants and only do it when forced. Violently.
$10 for a hem. She said she could have them on Saturday, I countered with, "Oh, I'm gonna be out of town Saturday", she slipped right into the role and said "how about Friday?" I think I may have said "I love you" but I probably did not.
It was probably more like "please take good care of my jeans, I love them so much and I trust you will do a really good job". She said, "I'll do my best".
God, woman, don't do your best, just do it right. 22" inseam with a 5" cuff and the original hem showing at the top of the cuff. Easy, right? No, or I would have done it myself. Denim is so hard to sew. She has a machine.

One of my new pairs of shoes have been mailed. I check my eeebbbaayy compulsively to see if they have marked the items paid or shipped. Arrgghh.
Seven things coming in the mail. Well, three packages, actually.

Come on, Mailman. Do not be slow.

New boss starts on Tuesday.
I am getting better at handling customer complaints.