
The Trouble With You Is You're Right

January 27, 2006

Up in the Air

Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments and congratulations. You are right, I do deserve it. I am a winner, a mover, a shaker. An A+++++ Eb@yer

I saw an old friend from my Eviltower days and told her about it. It turns out she and I and two other Eviltower friends all live in ths neighborhood! My favorite Kurt K Karpenter, Mark the hot hippie and her, all live within a block of the space I am occupying now.
wierd. what a small town this is.

Egg yelled at my window last night and asked me to come over to his
"It's nearly clean!"
It was not. But thats ok.
The other night he was yelling at my window. I couldn't understand what he was saying.
It sounded like "Coney, do you mind if I bone?"
I responed with "I have no idea what you are asking me".
He walked away. I called him back. I asked if he wanted me to come over and he said no and ran away.
Turns out he was trying to get my permission to have sex with someone.
I told him, cheers, as long as I have the same option. I think we are...
I don't know what we are now.
I guess we are both big dorks.

I just keep thinking, egg, you messed up so bad. You could have had me and used me for years. You could have gotten thousands of dollars out of me if you had just played it right. You crazy fool.

It is 5:45 according to the newscaster, who is showing me the traffic report. I'm so glad I don't commute.

Co-worker #1's computer won't work. We think he is infected with some spyware or a virus. IT is going to give him another puter while they rebuild his. I have no idea what that means, but they had to use my computer to compare programs to try and see what programs he had that didn't match mine (which is working fine).
They were going down the list and IT calls out "the Sims". I says, "well, john won't have the sims. I only have it because i was doing some quality control on a..." trail off... no one is listening to me at this point. I couldn't get at my computer so I went and spent some quality time with my womanikin.

I am of the opinion that he got some bad spyware from a screensaver he downloaded a while back. That's what happened to Tman's computer way back when.
Kids, don't get that screen saver. It's not worth it.

Oh, I did my taxes last night. I'm getting a fat refund. Yummy yum. At one point I had to call the IRS. The operator was very nice. I told her, "I love doing my taxes" she replied, "wow, I don't hear that a lot! You must be expecting a refund".
Hell, yeah! Oh, my refund, how I love thee.

Ok, I'm off to the shower.

Great day to you!