
The Trouble With You Is You're Right

December 30, 2005

anonymous said

"Hoping that he's not going to do this sort of thing AND get caught again is wishful thinking... You and I and he all know it's going to happen again until he gets a seriously long term jail sentence. Be strong, move on, are you going to go thru life waiting for him to do something substancial? It doesn't look like it's going to happen. He sounds like a criminal control freak, and very lazy, irresponsible, and many other negative qualities that have no business in a loving relationship. Sorry to sound so harsh, but that's what the reality of your situation is. Can you remember a Christmas as bad as your last one was? I and those who read your blog certainly couldn't... Move on to a clean, sober, mature, responsible man, you certainly deserve one of them."

Who said I was hoping he isn't going to do this sort of thing again or get caught? I know what I'm in. I know who he is. I'm not waiting for him to do a damn thing. I enjoy the time I spend with him far too much to try to put any real expectations on it. I know that there is no future and I'm ready for that. I have my own apartment, my own money and my own past, emotional problems and addictions. Do you think I am a dream to hang around with all the time? I'm not. I like me but there are a few people in this world that find me abrasive and controlling. Just ask Tommy, my ex.

I don't know who you are, but you have no idea what the reality of my situation is. I don't expect anyone to know the reality of my situation from reading the few sentences that I write here every day or so.

I can remember much worse xmases in my past. Homeless ones, strung out ones, getting beat ones and quite a few with my family or with significant others families that hated me and made no moves to hide it. Ones where I had to work a shitty job, ones where I had no food and was completely alone and didn't even have anyone to wish was out of jail on. Ones where I was sick, even one where I was in jail myself. Oh, how about the one in 2001 where my boyfriend had died 2 months earlier? The one last year where Tommy's mom died the previous August?

Xmas generally isn't a time of joy in my life.

Thanks for your concern, I know what you mean and believe that your intentions are good. Trust me, I'm not in this with my eyes closed. When it's time to move on, I will, with no regrets.

Oh, and one last thing...

"Move on to a clean, sober, mature, responsible man, you certainly deserve one of them."

Yeah, but does one of them deserve me?