
The Trouble With You Is You're Right

December 30, 2005

Happy New Year.

I wonder how many people titled their post with those three words today. How many will tomorrow? The next day?

Those three words will have a major usage spike in the next few days and then trickle off to nothing after that with only a few people saying it once in a while in sort of an ironic way.
For example,
person 1 "I found a penny!"
person 2 (with a hint of sarcasm) "Well, Happy New Year."

Another long weekend. Monday off with pay. Oh, I got a raise! Yay!
Evilco had across the board cost of living increase so 40c more an hour in my little old bank account. A little bit fatter paycheck and a bigger tax refund next year.

I can't wait to get my tax refund this coming year. It should be a big one. I love my tax refund. I know some people who don't pay taxes. I don't understand that at all. First off, it's a punishable offense if they catch you and second, it's like a great little savings account you can't touch but once a year.
I have direct deposit so I will have the whole thing in my checking account one day when I wake up in February.

Good day at work today, we got 21 items up. I posted a Custo Barcelona shirt, and some pottery that I can't remember the name of right now. What else. I have to go check. Hold on.

Ok, I put up two unsorted lots of jewelry, I sell them by the pound and they go pretty good. The prices get higher and higher everytime I post one. Like I say in the auction, I don't know what's in them, I just need to get them out of there. They weigh between 7 and 10 lbs and sell between $30 and $60 a piece.
Plates. Some antique hand painted plates. Sometimes these sell high and sometimes they don't.

Hey, I have an idea, just click on my Ebay link and you can see it all yourself. It's over there -->

I am going to breezip's NYE party. This will be the first time I have gone out on NYE in quite a few years.

Also, I am thinking about my marriage. I got married in 1989 (I think) We were together for 6 years, got married and split up a year later. I never pursued a divorce and haven't had any contact with him at all.
Googling his name doesn't return anything. art sugessted that maybe Dennis had done the deed himself so I emailed the vital statistics bureau in the state we lived in and the nice man who answered my email told me there is a $33 dollar fee to search the records. Sheesh. All of a sudden I have lost interest in the whole thing.

All the pictures I took on my trip to and from the jail disappeared. Friggin gone. I don't understand how they disappear from the memory card. There were over thirty. One really nice self portrait.

Well, I should go. I'm meeting Egg later on.

Here is a thumbnail of my ear. Click for bigger (it's not too big).