
The Trouble With You Is You're Right

March 06, 2006

This weekend and some of today

Friday night he called me and asked if I wanted to tag along on a drive to Treasure island to pick up Jr's big brother for his weekend home visit (big bro is in the Job Corps). It was a nice drive, Treasure Island has a gorgeous view of the city. We went to this restaurant (I can't remember the name (not on Treasure Island)) and got crab sandwiches.
Oh, they were good! White bread with about two inches thick of crab meat, more bread on top and hollandaise sauce over the whole thing. So yumm.

Saturday he picked me up and took me to Golden Gate Park for a birthday party. It was chilly, but clear and after dark there were some fireworks. Lots of people, lots of kids. Lots of fun. Then we piled in the van and went to his house. We had something to eat there. Oh, yeah, fish. With pasta. Jr passed out on the loveseat and we were snuggy on the couch watching Panic Room. He asked me if I was tired and I said yeah. So he took me to bed (shhh. it was lovely. quiet and on a fold out couch (squeek, aqueek), but lovely, nonetheless).
Jr woke up around 2am and came in to wake up his dad, none to please to see me sleeping in his usual spot. So, then there were three in the fold out bed. My back had settled on "dull ache with intermittetent spasms" setting and I tried to stay as far over as I could but I kept sliding down the mattress to the middle and ugh. It was uncomfortable.
We all woke up around 8am Sunday and got dressed (I brilliantly wore jammies under my pants that day so I didn't have to wear my pants to bed! Go me!). I was sitting at the livingroom window smoking and Jr comes in, he wants to play a game.
Game? I'm down with games. How about a hot round of Candyland? I kicked his ass at Candyland and then we played with the game pieces and the board. I was King Candy so I took him all around and got candy from all the nice folk in Candyland. When we found ourselves face down in the Molasses Swamp I figured it was time for something else. We played Go Fish for a while and then I said, what about War? You know how to play War? He did and we did. Then he wanted to play Battleship but I didn't want to so I played solitaire and watched him play solitaire Battleship. We kicked a foam ball around the living room for a while, just barely missing breaking a bunch of stuff.
Then it was time to go out in the big, bad world. We put on coats and hats and he let me put his shoes on him.
"Hey, Jr, are theses laces too tight?"
"I don't care, I never care if my laces are too tight."
"Ok, well, I don't want to hear later 'oooo my shoes are too tight! Who tied these darn laces so tight! Oh, no, LACES ARE TOOOOOOO TIGHT!!!"
He laughed and assured me that the laces were not too tight.
We went to IHOP. The same one I used to go to with Bruce all the time. I didn't say anything. The boy had chicken strips, dad had harvest nut pancakes and I had eggs, hashbrowns and sausage, of course.
Then the adventure began.
Jr had recieved a gift card from Toysareus because he had found a cell phone and turned it in. The phones owner gave him the card as a reward. Pretty sweet. $45 bucks.
We drove to the local TRU here and guess what? They R Closing. Last day. Everything 90% off. Woo hoo.
There were virtually no toys. Accessories for obscure toys, controllers for crappy video game consoles and the like. I snuck behind the shelves and found two small balls and a crusty pencil. I figured something was better than nothing.
We left the store empty handed except for the balls and the pencil and drove to the next nearest TRU.
Same deal. No toys. I peeked behind the shelves, but there wasn't even any scavenging to be had. Clean as a whistle.
Next TRU is across the Bay Bridge. Damn the torpedos. We went. Dad is a driving fool. And a good driver, too. I have seen him pull into parking spaces in ways that made me hot. Really. Very smooth.
Jr and I played Rock Paper Scissors all the way there. We made up some new ones too. Lighter. Fist with thumb up, that one is. Lighter burns paper, but rock crushes it and scissors can cut the wick off.
Vulcan. Fingers separated in the Spock manner. I can't remember off hand what it beat. Maybe only scissors, because it's like two scissors.
Finally, we are there. This one is also closing, same deal, 90% off. We went in and it was the same stuff as the other store, but more of it, I suppose because they are out of town and didn't get hit as hard, or something.
They found two dragon-type dealies that they thought Jr might like. One had light and sounds. Also two video games, one rollercoaster making one for the pc and one poker for the gameboy.
I'm going to teach Jr to play poker as soon as possible. I really miss playing cards.

Then we drove back to the city. Jr fell asleep in the van and we had nice quiet grown up time. Not a lot of talking, but the silence is nice after a day of playing with the boy.
He dropped me off at home and went on his way.
Sunday night. At home. So happy.

Egg just yelled at my window for the first time in days. He asked me to come and smoke a cigarette with him and I went. When I got downstairs he hugged me and said "Coney, I miss you and I want you to be my girlfriend again. I miss you being my girlfriend."
I told him, "I'm sorry, I can't do that."
"Why, Coney? I miss you being my girlfriend and I want you to come over and sleep with me tonight."
"No, Egg, I can't."
"But, Coney, I miss you."
"I have a new boyfriend, now."
"Ohhh, Coney, why did you do that?"
"Because you were unavailable. I told you I wanted a boyfriend and you told me no."
"Is he dumb?"
"No, he's smart."
"I bet he's not as smart as me."
"Maybe, maybe not, but he's nice to me and he doesn't call me names."
"I always call you names, huh, Coney?"
"That's because you're mean to me."
"Ok, whatever."
"Coney, I made pancakes this morning, but they weren't as good as yours. I put eggs and milk like you did, but they just weren't as good as yours."
"That's because I am the best pancake maker in the world."
"You are, Coney. Come and be my girlfriend again, I miss having you for my girlfriend."
"But you always called me names and then you threw me away like trash." I made a drop kicking motion with my hand and foot.
"No, Coney, don't say that. I called you names because you were mean to me."
Then he wanted to use my phone.
"Ah, it's always something, Egg."
"Oh, Coney, no it isn't, don't be that way."
"Yeah, it's never, 'coney how are you? how's your day? how do you feel?' it's always, coney, I need, I need, will you, can you?"
He called his brother and left a message, so I figure I should be getting a call from eggbro anytime now. ghh.
He hugged me and I made him give me a kiss, just a little one, just for the hell of it.
He made his plea for me to come over one more time, told me his room was all clean and that he had rearranged everything, but I walked away.
It's still too scary to think about.